The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

After graduating from Penn State, I returned to Canada and attended Teachers College at the University of Toronto. I taught elementary school in the Toronto area from 1997 to 2008. During the summers I had been taking financial planning courses and starting to write the exams to gain various licenses. I resigned from teaching and made a career change. In 2008, I was hired by Edward Jones Financial Services in the Newmarket office. In 2009, after successfully passing all of my exams and gaining my licenses, I became a financial advisor. I find the work both challenging and rewarding. There is still a daily element of education, as I try and educate my clients about financial planning and about the various investment products that are available. In 2000, I married Roshni Sharma, a teacher from Toronto. We now live in Newmarket with our two cats. We still follow the PSU football team and make an annual trip down to Happy Valley for a game. We went to the Rose Bowl Game this past January and a few years ago we went to that exciting Orange Bowl Game. I miss my days in McKee Hall.